Gullian – Barre Syndrome Variant with Unilateral Facial Weakness-Juniper Publishers
Juniper Publishers - Journal of Pediatrics Abstract It is a postinfectious polyneuropathy due to alteration of protein component of myelin (p2 neurotogenic peptide) leading to demyelination because of autoimmune mechanism. Neurological manifestation begins after 2 to 4 weeks of viral or bacterial infection. Clinical expression includes an acute onset symmetrical ascending weakness (both proximal & distal) with unilateral facial weakness and respiratory weakness and autonomic dysfunction. The diagnosis depends on clinical picture, electrophysiological findings and CSF examination. Immunotherapy is the main stay of treatment. IVIG & Plasmaphrersis done within 2 to 4 weeks of symptoms onset is recommended. Treatment is warranted in non ambulatory patient (Modified Hughes GBS disability scale). The patient who hav not responded to initial IVIG treatment may benefit from second course of IVIG. General supportive care includes cardiorespiratory care, physiotherap